Reverse a Linked-List

Question: Reverse a Linked-list. Write code in C.
Answer: There are multiple ways to go about this. Let’s first look at a recursive solution.
Node * reverse( Node * ptr , Node * previous)
    Node * temp;
    if(ptr->next == NULL) {
        ptr->next = previous;
        return ptr;
    } else {
        temp = reverse(ptr->next, ptr);
        ptr->next = previous;
        return temp;
reversedHead = reverse(head, NULL);
Now for a non-recursive solution.
Node * reverse( Node * ptr )
    Node * temp;
    Node * previous = NULL;
    while(ptr != NULL) {
        temp = ptr->next;
        ptr->next = previous;
        previous = ptr;
        ptr = temp;
    return previous;

I personally prefer the non-recursive solution but it is always good to know both of them.


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